Letts Key Stage 3 Mathematics Questions And Answers Levels 3-6
This series is designed to work alongside the Success Guide series. The titles are suitable for revision and homework. Each double page spread contains a variety of exercises starting with quick test multiple choice questions, gap filling and ordering information. Each unit ends with a realistic SATs-style question to give students/teachers an indication of the student's ability/progress. There is also a full mock SATs paper for students to complete as they approach the exam. Other features include a homework checklist to show records of exercises covered and progress indicators to allow students to plot scores of individual exercises to show areas of strength/weakness and appropriate levels of performance. All answers are provided in a pull-out section.
Publisher: Letts EducationalISBN: 9781843151418
Pages: 96
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 8.3 x 11.7 inches