Mind Workout Gifted Kids
This exciting two-book set was written and designed especially for parents who recognize a special alertness in their child-perhaps a precocious knack for problem solving or verbal expression. Is their little boy or girl specially gifted? If so, what should parents do to further the child's development? Volume One is for parents, and Volume Two is for kids. Volume One-Comprehensive Guide for Parents: This book speaks directly to Mom and Dad, offering insights to help them assess and guide their child's intellectual growth. The author, an associate with the Mensa Foundation for Gifted Children, helps parents determine their child's special aptitudes, whether in math, creative thinking, or some other area. He discusses today's changing ideas about giftedness, describing traditional IQ tests as being too narrow in scope. He points out recently discovered and wider-ranging ways to recognize a child's potential talents, and he advises on how parents can best introduce their child to the puzzles in this set's second volume. Finally, he offers general advice to all parents of TAG (Talented and Gifted) kids, suggesting techniques for improving memory, concentration, and visualization skills and presenting details on useful contacts, instructive books, and informative web sites that focus on guiding gifted kids. Volume Two-Games and Puzzles: This fun activity book for kids presents approximately 100 challenging puzzles and games that will stretch budding intellects and imaginations. Boys and girls are challenged to find patterns in sequences of numbers and letters, discover hidden words in cryptograms, solve visual puzzles by connecting dots with straight lines, identify famous people and historic dates in scrambled word and number puzzles, and much more. Books are paperback, and each is approximately 64 pages. The two books are packaged together in a vinyl binder. Both parents and kids will find plenty of food for thought in this challenging two-volume set.
Publisher: Barron's Educational SeriesAuthor: Robert Allen
ISBN: 9780764179204
Pages: 128
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.5 x 0.4 inches